Would You Like to Go on a Paradigm Shift Journey? 

The good news,  this  is  completely normal, and a dilemma shared by most people.  You’re not alone!  And  there is  a way you  can break through  this resistance to finally achieve the dreams that are held hostage in your head. Whether it is moving to another state, changing careers, finally writing the novel you always wanted, or another dream.

If you are marinating on a big dream goal but have not taken tangible steps toward it in the last three months, there is usually a deeper reason stopping you. That’s where a coach can help release you. You can uncover the hidden critical voice that is holding you back and develop empowering new ways to work through the challenges. Do you want to experience a paradigm dream shift?

If you want to see the next chapter of your life as an adventure and not a disappointment, why not contact me via email here. Let’s discuss your dreams and how to achieve them! The compass for my coaching process is guided by a simple core principle…

  • Do you procrastinate to avoid a major change?
  • Is quitting your job and moving to another state still on your bucket list? 
  • Stuck? Why can’t you take action to write that novel or just     follow your heart?

Find the Courage to Live the Life You Love!

“If your dreams don’t scare you, you are not dreaming big enough.” 

                                            - Lisa Nichols

Are you struggling with a dream goal you want to achieve in your life?

Is there a step you need to take, but you’re finding yourself procrastinating and finding it hard to take the necessary actions?

 Perhaps you’re feeling scared or unclear about what those next steps should be.

My name is Holly Campbell, and I am a Life Coach who has been in the same position that you are in now. I had big dreams, but I was simply afraid to take action. Using the same techniques, I share with my clients. I moved to a new city, wonderful apartment and attracted the work I love to do. I now run Joyful Zen Coaching, which helps others find the path to their next level of success.

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